RDM-Projekt store

Find steamid at https://www.steamidfinder.com/ use your normal discord name + #0 as discordid on purchase

Donator (Monthly) & Free Trial

Access all donator features ingame:

Select from a multitude of skins, horns and custom icons to show off to your mates.

Waste no time with access to reserved slots, FULL arenas, automatic driving and automatic respawning maximizing your time in the arena.

Unlock the Exclusive donator only clothing and weapons (COSMETIC).

Gain access to exclusive discord channels and get notified of new updates early.

Have a greater say in development of the server.

Special item

Contact us before purchase

Donator (Yearly)

Donator (Lifetime)

Access all donator features ingame:

Select from a multitude of skins, horns and custom icons to show off to your mates.

Waste no time with access to reserved slots, FULL arenas, automatic driving and automatic respawning maximizing your time in the arena.

Unlock the Exclusive donator only clothing and weapons (COSMETIC).

Gain access to exclusive discord channels and get notified of new updates early.

Have a greater say in development of the server.


Donate to the community to support the servers, licenses as well as development.

Donations are non-refundable and will strictly be used to keep the servers online.

Current server costs are 50 € a month

About RDM-Projekt store

Expense Information: All donations from members are gifts within the meaning of Section 7 of the ErbStG (gifts between the living). In principle, we work without the intention of making a profit. All financial resources are used for services that exclusively serve us and thus the community (§8 ErbStG - special purpose grants). There is no entitlement to compensation for donations made.

Support RDM-Projekt in its uptime and development. Funds which get donated get put back into the project in order to improve the services.

It may take up to 5 minutes for your transaction to be completed. If it takes longer please contact us on discord.